Tick Survey Recruitment
Are they a problem on your farm?
What did you do to control them in 2021?
Tickborne diseases of sheep and cattle, such as louping ill and Redwater fever, are known and constant challenges in many areas of Great Britain. With tick distribution expanding across the country, farm animal vets are particularly interested in the control of ticks and tickborne diseases affecting livestock through methods that will be sustainable in the long term.
Bridget Taylor is a farm animal vet in her final year of an MSc in International Animal Health. She is currently undertaking research for her dissertation project on what farmers in Great Britain encountered and how they dealt with control of ticks and tickborne disease in 2021. What preventive and treatment methods did you use to control ticks on your livestock?
If you farm sheep or cattle or both, Bridget would be very grateful if you would complete a short survey on this topic. It should take 15-20 minutes, depending on the livestock species you farm.
In order to access the survey please click on the link below
The survey will close on 11th July
Bridget will send a summary of her findings as a link-accessed report here on the Moredun website. It is hoped that the survey and the analysis of the data generated by it will be of value in looking at the future of tick control methods for livestock.
Thank you in advance for completing the survey