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1 April 2020

SVS research grant upto £4000

Closing date is 31st March 2020

The aim of the SVS research grant is to fund novel, applied and evidence-based science of relevance to the society’s aim of promoting the prevention of disease and the welfare of sheep.

Applications would ideally be nationally applicable or if regionally based, should benefit the regional sheep sector as a whole and not be limited to the clients of the specific applicant.

The application should promote active veterinary involvement and the funds should not be used solely to subsidise veterinary work on farm or cover laboratory fees. Where possible, the project should be match funded if farms or veterinary practices are involved.

When applications are dependent on other sources of funding coming through, those would have to be confirmed in order for the SVS grant to be awarded to ensure project completion.

The SVS will be looking for topics which advance and broaden our evidence base. Priority will be given to novel techniques, approaches and ideas. Those should ultimately be applicable to general practitioners, assisting them with their work within the sheep sector.

The successful candidate will be expected to submit a progress report at the end of every six months period and to present their final results by giving a presentation at a future Society meeting.

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The SVS is the leading UK professional society who specialise in sheep health and welfare.

In joining our society you can expect information and support relating to sheep veterinary care including: access to our private members forum, and support from veterinarians experts for their interest and knowledge in sheep related care.

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