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External Events

7th Aug 2024

Their very popular basic sheep modular course for Vets is back on Wednesday 7th August.  £300 per day or £1100 for all four days.

The four modules will be based at the Wales Veterinary Science Centre in Aberystwyth along with practical elements on local farms.

  • 7th August 2024 – Pre-tupping – Includes ewe and ram fertility – Kate Hovers and Claire Jones
  • 13th November 2024 – Mid pregnancy / Post scanning – Includes benchmarks for scanning and investigation of poor results and control of winter parasites. Kate Hovers, Sian Mitchell and Claire Jones.
  • 8th January 2025 – Lambing time – Late pregnancy and neonatal lamb health. Metabolic profiles, investigating abortion outbreaks and neonatal disease. Practical includes body condition scoring and assessment of sheep shed in preparation for lambing. Discussion on antibiotic prescribing and rationale plus how to develop your own protocols.
  • 30th April 2025 – Lamb rearing – Growing lamb health and parasite control. Practical on grass growth and lamb growth rates plus fat lamb assessments.

This course is great for new graduates or those up to three years graduated, but also for those vets returning from a period away from farm animal practice and wanting to get back into Sheep.  All talks are provided after the event along with relevant research papers.

Please give Wales Veterinary Science Centre a call or email to book your place.

Prompt payment will be required to secure your place. A practice can pay for all four days and a different vet from the practice could attend each da

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