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External Events

5th Nov 2024
9am - 5pm

Moredun Research Institute, Edinburgh, EH26 0PZ

This practical course will demonstrate the clinical applications of ultrasound examination in everyday farm animal practice although the emphasis will be on respiratory diseases especially ovine pulmonary adenocarcinoma (OPA). OPA, also known as Jaagsiekte, is a disease of great concern in the sheep industry causing 5-8 per cent annual losses in some flocks.  OPA results from infection with the Jaagsiekte sheep retrovirus (JSRV) which is passed between sheep mainly by the respiratory route. The virus induces a lung tumour that is eventually fatal and by the time clinical signs are apparent the affected sheep may already have infected many others with the virus. Therefore, there is a demand from farmers to identify OPA at pre-clinical stages.

Trans-thoracic ultrasonography is currently the best method for detection of OPA lesions in live sheep before the development of clinical signs as no reliable diagnostic blood test is available for individual sheep.  As described in our papers, (Cousens & Scott, Vet Record, 2015, Scott and Cousens, In Practice, 2018, Cousens et al., Vet Record, 2022), trans-thoracic ultrasonography can be applied to confirm a diagnosis of OPA, to screen bought-in sheep or to screen an affected flock in order to remove sheep with OPA at an early stage.  We now have 9 years’ results of whole flock scanning and will share what we have learned in this time.

The main focus of the day will be to provide one-to-one practical training on scanning live sheep with a range of lung pathologies including 6-10 cases of OPA, following this up with necropsy so that the association between the scan output and gross lesions can be confirmed.  This will follow presentations covering the most up-to-date knowledge on OPA and transthoracic ultrasound scanning.  A datastick will be provided for each participant with all course materials including approximately 60 ultrasound video recordings of ovine respiratory diseases for future reference.

Minimum 6, maximum 12 participants. 

Costing: £400   CPD  approx. 7h including 4h practical training. Lunch included. Participants are invited to bring along their own ultrasound machines and may make their own recordings.

To enrol submit the completed booking form. There will be a waiting list after the first 12 paid.

For more information contact Phone: 0131 445 5111 ext 47424  


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